
Sunday, November 28, 2010

How to write an essay (found whilst on stumble upon)

If you’re searching for information on how to write an essay (and especially how to write a good essay), then you’ve come to the right place. The following article offers some important tips and tricks for writing good college essays that will impress your instructors and make your assignments easier to complete. Be sure to also check out the other resources available on this website, too.

Step One – Determine What Your Instructor Wants

This is the single best piece of advice I can give to anyone who wants to do a better job in college and learn how to write an essay. It always surprises me when students skip this essential first step, but it happens – and it happens a lot!
Let’s face it: if you don’t know what you’re supposed to be writing about or what you’re supposed to accomplish in your essay, then you are basically lost at sea. It really is that simple.
But that’s not even the most disappointing part of this baffling situation. What’s worse is your instructor really does tell you exactly how to write an essay that will make him or her very happy. Unless you’re dealing with a really bad instructor (and I mean REALLY bad), then you will not be able to figure this out very quickly at all. It does happen.
So how do you figure out how to write an essay your instructor will like? It’s very simple – look for the basic essay instructions. A writing prompt is a short but informative sheet of paper that explains exactly what you are required to do in the writing assignment. Once you’ve found that sheet and read it through very carefully, you’re ready to move on.

Step Two – Make an Essay Writing Checklist

Now here’s my secret advice: rewrite the instructions in checklist format. Most of you will never do this because it does require a little extra effort. Of course, the problem most students have is not doing adequate preparation BEFORE writing their essay. But you’re not like most students because you’re reading about how to write an essay.
If you take the instructor’s writing prompt and break it down into an easy-to-read checklist, you’ll be miles ahead of 95% of the other students. I know this because when I grade college essays, I almost always use a checklist. And guess what? That’s right: my checklist is derived from my assignment handout. Big surprise?

Step Three – Create a Basic Outline for Your Essay

No, no, no! When I say “outline” I am not talking about anything very formal. Simple is best for “how to write an essay” step number three. Here’s an example of an outline for an essay on Beowulf:
Beowulf Essay Outline
-Talk about the history behind the story of Beowulf
-Talk about the important characters in Beowulf
-Talk about how today’s stories are not like Beowulf
-Talk about why Beowulf helps us understand history
-Talk about how Beowulf also helps us understand the present-day
I want you to notice something very important here. The outline above is pretty crummy. Yes, crummy. But that’s not a bad thing because it’s going to help you get started. Watch how we can quickly clean up this outline into something a bit more effective:
Beowulf Essay Outline
  • Discuss history of the Beowulf narrative
  • Contrast Beowulf with contemporary literature
  • Analyze important characters in Beowulf
  • Show how Beowulf provides a window on the past
  • Demonstrate that Beowulf also speaks to the present day
This revised outline is not really much different from the original version; it’s just easier to read and more focused. Now we have something we can work with. Again, notice that when I say “outline” I am not talking about anything all that complicated!

Step Four – Freewrite Each Essay Section

The outline from step three is going to provide a nice skeletal structure for the muscle of our essay. Now we’re ready to really write this essay!
For step four, you simply need to take each section title and do some freewriting to develop the ideas. You can do this in any order, but it’s probably best to complete it in an order that makes sense to you.
Once you’ve finished freewriting each section, you can move on to freewriting an introduction and conclusion. Note: you should NEVER try to write your introduction or your conclusion before writing your essay. This is the classic beginner’s mistake in the “how to write an essay” world.

Step Five – Revise the Essay

Here’s the most important part of the total process. Most students will not make it this far. If you complete steps one through four correctly and thoroughly, you’ll be in the top of your class. But if you also complete step four, you’ll be in the very top of your class. No, I’m not being facetious.
Now that you have taken the time to develop each of the outlined sections by freewriting, you’re going to take your how to write an essay experience one step further and dig in for revision. If you completed step four correctly, you should be left with a bunch of garbled writing. This last step requires that you read through each section of your essay draft very carefully and revise with care.
Proofread for grammar and spelling errors. Edit out any style issues to improve readability. Add more content or explanation where necessary. Change or move sections that don’t make sense or might confuse the readers.
Revision and editing is easily the most overlooked part of essay writing simply because most students don’t allow enough time to do anything more than a quick spell check. If you revise your essay well enough, you’ll have a much more readable piece of work than when you started. Plus, you will be far more likely to demonstrate to your instructor that you really do know how to write an essay.
And there you have it – a simple guide on how to write an essay in five very easy steps. If you’ve made it this far, you are way ahead of the game. Now that you really do know how to write an essay, it’s time to get started!

from here < original source

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

I hate the google book downloader

ok, so its only been a few hours. but this is ridiculous.

i can download FREE books from torrents in like several seconds

im not saying i expect that program to be better, im just saying its had alot of high talk around the internet.

here is a nice graph

How to get free books from good ( as PDF's)

 This is the first of the many articles i shall write myself. not just "copy pasta" lol.

if your like me and you wanna read books on something like an iPhone (if your a hipster faggot) or some other USEFUL device and you cant find the torrent for the pdf

you can get certain books from google.

this can only download free books, if you want good books you are actually going to read then torrent them, but seriously torrenting is bad and you shouldn't do it ;) 

do it at your own discretion or go to library lol  

Google book down loader!

i know there are several tutorials on this everywhere but they are very basic and don't make it clear on what you actually get.

here is what they new one looks like

and here is a pic of where the code is when you find the description of a free book you want

this is the code you paste into the search thingo, as far as i can tell it takes a while.

i have no fucking clue if this works but its still going so ill tell you when i know :P

be back on weekend

hey guys, been swamped with work from school and stuff.

ill be on here briefly but wont be able to stay on for long, ill continue to make posts though and try get around.


SCOPE - Augmented Reality Toys.v3 (really fucking awesome idea)

SCOPE - Augmented Reality Toys.v3 from Frantz Lasorne on Vimeo.

Soundtrack: Daft Punk - Tron Legacy Theme (remix).mp3

Using tangible traditional toys to enhance augmented reality in games and causual play.

SCOPE merges the basic characteristics of video games and real-life toys to improve existing games or create new ones. By attributing various virtual parameters commonly used in video games (power, life, magic, experience, attack, weapons, etc.) to tangible toys, it brings the toys to life. With this approach, it is possible to create all sorts of videogame concepts mixed with the real world. For example, a child's bedroom could become a natural battleground for play.

Frantz Lasorne
L’École de design Nantes Atlantique 

Monday, November 22, 2010

Sci Fi Foods We Wish Actually Existed

Sometimes, the strange foods in speculative fiction can make your mouth water. These delicious, fantastical items seem so good, you wish you could take a bite. Here are some of our most-wanted fictional snacks.
A brief note: Yes, real world versions of some of these foods exist, but you know they can't capture the awesomeness of the originals.

This soda keep cropping up throughout Futurama's run, but it gets its moment in the spotlight when the Planet Express crew visits the factory. The revelation that Slurm is actually the biological waste product of giant works doesn't stop Fry from loving the stuff. I always imagined it was like a more delicious version of Mountain Dew...

Another Futurama food, this one's deliciousness is once again outweighed by the disturbing truth of its origins. Sure, they are a tasty snack that everyone seems so addicted to that they scarf 'em down by the handful, but popplers are actually tiny underdeveloped alien babies. Maybe someone can develop a cruelty-free poppler substitute?

Romulan Ale
This beverage from the Star Trek universe has always appealed to me. That it's called an "ale" indicates that it's brewed like a beer, but it's blue, and that seems to suggest more exotic flavors. Kirk and McCoy love it, and I'm sure they have good taste. Plus, it's intoxicating effects are apparently quite strong.

In the Harry Potter series, the kids often pop into wizarding pubs to refresh themselves. And they usually order butterbeer, something that sounds absolutely delicious. It's described as a frothing butterscotch drink, served either warm or cold, with a minimal alcohol content. This is probably the most tempting of all of the foods on this list.

Bantha Milk
We never actually hear this mentioned, and we barely even see it on screen. But apparently, those big, lumbering beasts called Banthas in the Star Wars universe produce blue milk. The blue milk has a brief appearance at the breakfast table in A New Hope, but it never really gets its due. I suppose it probably just tastes like regular milk, but I always imagined it was slightly sweeter and more rich.

(Cow from on flickr)
The Milliways Dish of the Day
This "restaurant at the end of the universe" (from the book of the same name) offers all sorts of delicacies. The most prominent is the meat that serves itself. The Ameglian Major Cow can talk for itself and is bred to want to be eaten, even to recommend cuts of its own flesh. It's a gross thought, but I'd imagine a cow that's bred solely for its eatability, that tenderizes its own cutlets, would end up being as delicious as it is squirm-inducing.

This Elven bread, from the Lord of the Rings trilogy, is like hardtack, in that it keeps for a very long time and is sustaining for travelers. However, it's said to be much more tasty than hardtack or even a type of honey cake made in the books. It's flaky and brown on the outside, but cream colored on the inside. It sounds delicious.

Two riders from New England ride the Trans America Trail

"Two riders, one from MA, the other from NH, ride the entire TAT, 5000+ miles of dirt roads and jeep trails. We made it to about 150 miles of the Pacific when one rider hit a bear and was out. This is a fantastic adventure, if you're thinking about riding it, go for it! You will not be disappointed"